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Understanding the Impact of High Winds | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

High winds are a powerful force of nature capable of causing significant damage to homes and businesses alike. In Conway and Faulkner Counties, where severe weather can bring strong gusts, understanding the potential dangers of high winds is crucial for homeowners.

At SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we are committed to helping our community recover from wind-related damage and restore properties to their pre-storm condition.

Structural Damage and Roofing Concerns

One of the most immediate dangers posed by high winds is structural damage to buildings. Strong gusts can loosen roof shingles, tear off siding, and even compromise the integrity of windows and doors.

This exposure not only increases the risk of water damage during rainfall but also compromises the safety and security of the property. Our team is experienced in assessing and repairing wind-damaged structures, ensuring that your home or business is secure and protected from further harm.

Projectiles and Flying Debris

During periods of high winds, loose outdoor items and debris can become dangerous projectiles. Items such as branches, patio furniture, and even small objects left unsecured can be propelled at high speeds, posing a threat to windows, vehicles, and the exterior of buildings.

Our emergency response team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is equipped to handle the aftermath of wind-driven debris, providing cleanup and restoration services to mitigate damage and ensure safety.

Power Outages and Utility Disruptions

High winds often accompany severe weather systems that can lead to power outages and utility disruptions. Fallen trees and downed power lines can result in prolonged periods without electricity or essential services.

SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties understands the urgency of restoring power and minimizing downtime for residents and businesses. Our team works swiftly to address storm-related damage, including coordinating with utility companies to expedite repairs and ensure a swift return to normalcy.

Trust SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for Wind Damage Restoration

With our extensive experience in wind damage restoration, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties stands ready to assist our community in times of need. Whether your property has suffered from structural damage, debris accumulation, or power outage-related issues, our trained technicians are prepared to provide comprehensive restoration services. We prioritize safety, efficiency, and quality in every restoration project we undertake, ensuring that your property is restored to its pre-storm condition promptly and effectively.

If your home or business has been affected by high winds or severe weather, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties. Visit our website to learn more about our wind damage restoration services and how we can help you recover from the impact of high winds. Let us handle the restoration process so you can focus on what matters most—your safety and well-being.

Trust SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for reliable and professional wind damage restoration services. Contact us today.

Assessing Wildfire Risk To Prioritize Your Safety | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

tree on fire in middle of forest SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is Here to Help® after wildfires affect your home or business.

Living in the scenic region of Conway & Faulkner Counties comes with its share of natural beauty and occasional risks, including the threat of wildfires. As residents of this picturesque area, it’s essential to be prepared for the possibility of wildfires and take proactive steps to protect our homes and communities.

##Understanding the Risk Level Understanding Local Conditions: Familiarize yourself with the wildfire risk in Conway & Faulkner Counties. Factors such as weather patterns, vegetation types, and proximity to wooded areas can all influence the likelihood and severity of wildfires in the area. Stay informed about wildfire forecasts and advisories issued by local authorities to help you gauge the level of risk.

Identifying Vulnerabilities: Assess your property for potential vulnerabilities that could increase the risk of wildfire damage. Pay close attention to areas with dense vegetation, such as wooded lots or overgrown landscaping, as these areas are more susceptible to ignition. Additionally, consider the proximity of your home to sources of ignition, such as power lines or neighboring properties.

Creating a Fire-Safe Zone: Establish a defensible space around your property by clearing vegetation and debris from the immediate vicinity of your home. Remove dead vegetation, dry leaves, and other flammable materials from your yard to create a buffer zone that helps prevent fires from spreading. Trim trees and shrubs, keeping branches at least 15 feet away from structures, to reduce the risk of fire spreading to your home.

Implementing Fire-Safe Practices

Maintaining Fire-Resistant Landscaping: Choose fire-resistant plants and materials for your landscaping to help minimize the risk of ignition. Select plants with high moisture content and avoid using highly flammable mulches, such as pine straw, near structures. Consider incorporating hardscaping features such as gravel pathways and rock gardens, which can act as fire breaks to help protect your property.

Securing Your Home: Take proactive measures to protect your home from ember intrusion during a wildfire. Seal gaps and openings around windows, doors, and vents to prevent embers from entering your home and igniting combustible materials. Install ember-resistant vent covers and consider upgrading to fire-resistant roofing materials to further enhance your home’s fire resistance.

Preparing for Evacuation: Develop a comprehensive evacuation plan for your family and pets in case of a wildfire evacuation order. Identify multiple evacuation routes and establish a designated meeting point outside of the evacuation zone. Pack essential items such as medications, important documents, and emergency supplies in a “go bag” that you can easily grab and take with you if evacuation becomes necessary.

Partnering with SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

Preparing your property for the threat of wildfires is essential for safeguarding your home and community. At SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties, we understand the unique challenges posed by wildfires in our area and are here to help you protect your property. Contact us today for expert advice on wildfire preparedness and professional fire damage restoration services. Together, we can take proactive steps to mitigate the risk of wildfire damage and keep our communities safe.

Dealing with fire damage? Call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties for a quick restoration.

Understanding Summer Storms in the Conway Area | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.

As the temperatures rise and humidity settles in, summer storms become a regular occurrence in the Conway area. These storms can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and even the possibility of tornadoes, posing a threat to both property and personal safety. Understanding the nature of these storms is crucial for effective preparation.

Conway experiences a variety of summer storms, ranging from typical thunderstorms to more severe weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes. Thunderstorms can develop rapidly, bringing sudden downpours and lightning strikes.

Additionally, the region’s proximity to Tornado Alley means that tornadoes are a real possibility during the summer months. Preparation is key to mitigating the potential damage from these storms.

Preparing Your Home and Family for Summer Storms

Preparing your home and family for summer storms is essential to minimize damage and ensure everyone’s safety. Start by inspecting your property for any vulnerabilities, such as loose roof shingles, damaged trees, or clogged gutters. Secure outdoor items like patio furniture and lawn decorations to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds.

Create a family emergency plan that includes designated shelter areas in your home, as well as evacuation routes in case of severe weather. Stock up on emergency supplies, including non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit. Consider installing a generator to provide backup power during outages, and make sure everyone in your household knows how to use it safely.

Staying Safe During Summer Storms

When a summer storm approaches, prioritize safety above all else. If you hear thunder or see lightning, seek shelter indoors immediately. Avoid taking shelter under trees or in poorly constructed buildings, as they may not provide adequate protection. If you’re driving when a storm hits, pull over to a safe location and wait until it passes before continuing your journey.

Stay informed about weather conditions by monitoring local news outlets or using weather apps on your smartphone. Sign up for emergency alerts to receive timely notifications about severe weather warnings in your area. By staying informed and prepared, you can protect yourself and your loved ones during summer storms.

Recover From Summer Storms With Us

Don’t wait until it’s too late to prepare for summer storms. Contact us to learn more about our storm damage restoration services and how we can help you safeguard your home against the elements.

From emergency board-up services to water extraction and mold remediation, we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Stay safe this summer by being prepared for whatever Mother Nature may bring.

Dealing with storm damage? Contact SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties today.

Grilling Safety Tips for the Summer Time in Conway | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to ensure a fun, safe night.

Hey there, Conway! With those hot and dry summer months upon us, there’s nothing quite like firing up the grill for some delicious BBQ.

But before you get your grill on, let’s talk about grilling safety. Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to ensure your BBQ stays safe and enjoyable all season long.

Choosing the Right Location

First things first, let’s talk about where to set up your grill. When it’s hot and dry outside, it’s essential to choose a safe location away from any flammable materials. Look for a flat, level surface that’s at least 10 feet away from your house, deck railings, and any trees or bushes.

Avoid grilling on a windy day, as gusts of wind can easily carry embers and sparks, increasing the risk of a fire. And remember, never grill indoors or in enclosed spaces, as this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Proper Grill Maintenance

Now that you’ve found the perfect spot for your grill, let’s talk maintenance. Proper grill maintenance is crucial for safety, especially during the hot and dry months. Start by checking your grill for any signs of wear and tear, such as rusted or corroded parts.

Make sure all the connections are secure and that there are no gas leaks. If you’re using a charcoal grill, be sure to clean out any ash buildup before lighting the coals. For gas grills, check the propane tank for leaks and ensure the hoses are in good condition.

Safe Grilling Practices

Once your grill is set up and ready to go, you need to be sure to practice proper grilling safety. Never leave your grill unattended while it’s in use. It only takes a few seconds for a fire to start, so be sure to stay nearby and keep an eye on your grill at all times.

Keep a fire extinguisher, baking soda, or a bucket of sand nearby in case of a grease fire. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire, as it can cause the flames to spread.

Use long-handled grilling tools to keep a safe distance from the flames and prevent burns. And always keep flammable items like paper towels, dishcloths, and plastic utensils away from the grill. By following these grilling safety tips, you can enjoy delicious BBQ without worrying about accidents or fires.

If you ever find yourself in need of fire damage restoration services, SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is Here to Help®.

Preventing Water Damage During the Rainy Season | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Downpour in the summer storm and rain drops on the roof If you're facing water damage, rely on the assistance of SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties.

Spring is a beautiful season with new growth and warmer weather, but it also brings heavy rainfalls. As the temperature rises and storms roll through our community, water damage becomes much more common and your risk rises considerably.

Water damage can lead to costly repairs, mold growth and structural damage. Below are some tips from our SERVPRO® team to prevent water damage during the spring rainy season.

Maintain Your Gutters and Downspouts
Gutters and downspouts play a crucial role in preventing water damage to your home. They channel water away from your house and protect your foundation, and clogged gutters and downspouts can cause water to overflow and seep into your home.

Make sure to clean your gutters and downspouts regularly to prevent clogs. You can also install gutter guards to help keep debris out of your gutters. You should also make sure that your downspouts are secure and pointed away from your home’s foundation.

Inspect Your Roof and Siding
Your roof is your first line of defense against water damage, so you should inspect your roof regularly for any missing or damaged shingles, cracks or holes. If you notice any issues, make sure to address them immediately. Water can seep through even the smallest opening and cause damage to your home’s interior. If you are not comfortable inspecting your roof, hire a professional to do it for you.

Water can also enter your home through even the smallest opening. Check your foundation, windows and doors for any cracks or openings that could allow water to seep in. Seal any openings or cracks with caulk or weather stripping. This will not only prevent water damage but also improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Be Prepared
Despite your best efforts, water damage can still occur, so it’s essential to be prepared in case of a water emergency. Make sure you know where your main water shut-off valve is located in case you need to turn off your water supply quickly. 

Keep important documents and valuables in a waterproof container and store it in a safe location. In the event of water damage, don’t hesitate to give us a call! Our trained technicians have the expertise and equipment to quickly and efficiently restore your home to its pre-damage condition.

Preventing water damage during the spring rainy season is crucial for protecting your home and avoiding costly repairs. Regularly maintaining your gutters and downspouts, inspecting your roof, sealing cracks and openings and being prepared to react quickly can all help prevent water damage. 

If you do experience water damage, remember that we are here to help. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to water emergencies and will handle your water damage restoration from start to finish. 

Dealing with water damage? SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is here to help.

Tips for Storm Planning to Keep Your Kids Calm | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to help you recover.

Thunder roars, lightning strikes and tornado sirens blare. Your dog paces, the kids panic and you’re unsure where to start. Storms can be terrifying, especially as we make our way into the hot and humid summer season.

Though we can’t control the weather, we can prepare and react to it to keep everyone calm, especially the kids.

Our team has some simple suggestions to integrate storm planning into your family’s routine, ensuring everyone stays calm during emergencies. Keep reading for the details.

Keeping an Eye on the Sky

We can all distinguish between cloudy and sunny days, but not everyone knows what signs to watch for when clouds shift. Even without storm forecasts, it’s vital to monitor the sky. Teach your kids the indicators of an approaching dangerous storm—rotating clouds, dark or green sky, thunder and lightning mean they should head indoors immediately.

They should also recognize the sound of a tornado siren and when it might go off. Familiarizing them with the siren during tests can help, as it’s not an emergency and they can get used to it from different areas of your home. Let them practice listening for the siren and time how long it takes to reach your safe shelter.

Preparing for Incoming Weather

Have you made a storm emergency plan with your family? This includes deciding how and when to reach your safe shelter and ensuring your emergency kit is packed and ready.

Choose the lowest level of your home and locate an innermost room, preferably without windows. Keep a clear gathering area and practice building a fort with heavy items like a table or desk. Let your kids help and join in.

Involve your kids in packing your emergency kit! Start with essentials and let them choose items. Add their favorite foods and snacks, along with shelf-stable water for everyone.

Each child should select a flashlight and label it. Remember to include extra batteries, candles, matches and any necessary medications.

Lastly, let your kids pick special games or activities reserved for severe weather situations. They’ll provide a much-needed distraction if you lose power or need to shelter for a while.

Encouraging the Calm

Severe weather can be frightening, especially for children, so it’s natural for them to feel anxious about storms and planning for them. Sometimes, it can be reassuring to explain that the chances of severe destruction or a direct tornado hit are actually quite low. Most storm damage, even from small tornadoes, typically affects the roof, siding and surrounding property.

Keep your children calm and distracted during severe weather, and try narrating the events in a lighthearted way as they happen. By facing severe weather together, you’ll all feel more confident.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Preventing Stinky Odors After a Water Disaster | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all water damage restoration needs.

The long day is over at last, and it’s time to go home and relax. You unlock your door and step right into a water puddle. Oh, no, a water leak!

Suffering from any sort of water disaster is always really frustrating, but especially if you aren’t expecting it. While you busy yourself with grabbing some towels or a mop to clean up the standing water, the damage may have already been done.

Depending on how long the water was left to sit before it was discovered, you could be dealing with moisture in really hard-to-reach places and things like mold growth and mildew are now possibilities. Our team explains what to do when you suffer a water leak to avoid all those unpleasantries below.

What to Do About the Leak

Once water has gotten where it shouldn’t, it can start to cause problems rather quickly. It will leak and seep through your floorboards, soak into your carpet, and get behind your drywall with little effort.

In the event of a water leak at home, your first instinct may be to grab towels and start wiping up the visible water. However, this will not solve the problem entirely. The moisture that seeps into crevices and behind walls can linger and cause more damage.

Without proper ventilation, this kind of moisture can lead to structural degradation, rusting of metal support systems and even mold growth. It is important to call in professionals to address water leaks to prevent further damage to your home.

We want you to call us within 24 hours of your water disaster! This is because mold infestations can set in within 24–48 hours after the water event. Time is of the essence!

Using Your Nose Wisely

One of the most familiar attributes about mold is the smell. It often gives off an earthy or musty odor, which can be easily identifiable if you have just suffered a water leak.

However, tracking down the mold may be more complicated than you thought because it could be growing under your floors or is tucked away behind your drywall.

That’s where we come in! Our talented team of professionals will locate the source of the stink, and we will work quickly to secure the area. We will start by turning off vents and your HVAC system and then we will start filtering the air to remove all of the odor particles. We will finish by cleaning and sanitizing the area to make sure your home is fresh and clean once more.

When it comes to water damage and unpleasant odors from mold, our team will take care of you from start to finish.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Understanding the World of Insurance Claims | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

If you have ever experienced a home or business disaster before, you know just how scary it can be. While the event is happening, you are most likely focused on keeping your family or customers safe and focusing on the here and now.

The safety of yourself and of those around you should always be your top priority, but what happens when the event is over and you are left with the destruction around you?

That’s where we come in! Our team will be there for you to help clean up your property as well as help you navigate your insurance claim to make sure you are getting the most out of it.

The Steps to Documentation

Whether the disaster was caused by a fire, flood or storm, starting recovery right away can help you avoid more complicated damage from occurring at your property. Certain types of damage will cause more problems the longer they linger, so quick action is always recommended.

Of course, make sure that your loved ones and your neighbors are safe and accounted for immediately following the disaster. Once everyone has been deemed safe and no emergency services are needed, get us on the phone so we can get started on your recovery plan.

Take as many photos of the damage as you can, making sure to document all of the damage that you see. The more images you can get, the more complete your insurance claim can be.

The Recovery

Once we arrive, our team will know exactly what to do and we will get to work securing your home to prevent further damage. Our goal is to prevent further damage while we assess your space, so we will quickly secure your roof, lay tarps or board up windows.

After that our highly trained restoration team will get to work rebuilding and restoring your damaged spaces. We will also focus on making sure we have all the documentation needed to help create the most comprehensive insurance claim possible.

We will focus on putting together an itemized list of your losses, and we will include that list along with the images you took and the professional ones we snapped as well. Our crew is also trained on how to meet insurance inspection standards to help lower your potential costs. Finally, we will focus our efforts on restoring your possessions rather than replacing them, which can also help reduce your overall costs.

Our team is ready to help you through every step of your restoration! Lean on us and we will help you recover while also helping you submit your insurance claim.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Flood Prevention Basics for the Season | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you want to get something done right but struggle to figure out the best way to start, what do you do? Go back to the basics, of course! Taking things back to the beginning can make it easier to understand and accomplish no matter what you are doing.

This is especially true when it comes to preparing for severe weather and flooding issues. By starting small with what you know, you can have a serious impact on protecting your home when a flood emergency is issued for our community.

We offer up some reliable flood prevention tips below so you can prepare your home and family for whatever comes our way this season.

Knowing Your Flood Risk

Flooding doesn’t have to involve the weather. Flooding conditions can appear due to a manmade issue like a burst water line or a faulty appliance, which can both cause serious damage in a short amount of time.

Of course, Mother Nature can wreak havoc as well. Thankfully, our risk for weather-related flooding issues is rather low in the Conway area. However, it is not impossible! That is why being prepared at any time can help keep your home and family safe.

Depending on where you live in our two counties, your home could be at a higher flood risk, so your property might require a bit more preparation.

If your property has any low-lying areas or backs up to any sort of water source, it is important that you address any drainage issues right away. Add longer downspouts to your gutters or invest in a rain garden to encourage water to flow down and away from your home.

Properties with heavy tree coverage should also make sure to have gutter covers installed. While having a gutter system is crucial, yard debris can easily fall into the gutters and create stubborn clogs or blockages. Simple covers can help encourage the water to keep flowing through the system seamlessly.

Reliable Prevention Strategies

Understanding your flood risk is important, but taking permanent step to reduce your risk can have a significant impact on how dry your property stays during a rainstorm or other flooding event.

If you know that your property is at risk of suffering from a flood or you have dealt with a wet basement before, consider having your yard professionally graded. If your yard slopes away from your home, any rain that we get will flow away from your foundation instead of down into it. You should also add some absorbing landscape materials, like mulch, around your foundation to soak up any excess water.

Inside your home, take the time to check your windows and doors regularly for signs of wear and tear. Sagging frames and door jambs should be addressed right away and any deteriorating seals should be replaced quickly. Finally, if you have a sump pump, have it inspected professionally every year so that your home will stay dry no matter what!

When you prioritize the basics of weather safety, you can help safeguard your home against the strongest elements. However, we are always here to help if your home becomes overwhelmed and you experience any sort of water damage.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Alert! Staying Informed During Spring Storm Season | SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm SERVPRO of Conway & Faulkner Counties is ready to help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The temperature is rising, the days are getting longer and the flowers are about to bloom once more! There’s no doubt about it, spring is on the way. That also means that severe storms are going to start popping back up in the south, so we all need to stay vigilant so we can stay safe.

Are your alert systems ready to go? Our team explains some easy ways of staying informed during severe weather season, so read on to gather some great insight and ideas.

Harnessing the Power of the Internet

Where is your phone right now? In your hand or sitting next to your computer? We all have our devices so easily accessible, which is part of what makes them so useful in emergency situations.

Did you know that the Wireless Emergency Alert system is already programmed into your phone and can automatically issue weather alerts if needed? Just be sure to check your notifications and have them turned on. In addition, various weather apps can (and should) be downloaded so you can check the forecast daily and even more often when poor weather is on the horizon.

That being said, use caution when it comes to choosing which weather apps to trust. Not every app is created solely for informational purposes and some of them tend to inflate or over exaggerate the forecast for engagement purposes.

Be sure to download apps from national or locally trusted sources. If you live in Faulkner County, sign up for Code Red Weather Alerts. If you live in Conway County, check out the county’s website for helpful sheltering information.

The TV and local news stations can be really helpful as well! Local anchors track weather systems as they move across our counties, and you can watch the progression in real time. This is also an advantage because you will be notified immediately when it is time to take shelter.

Non-Electronic Alerts

While having your phone nearby is a necessity, you should also have at least one backup alert system that will work even if we were to lose power unexpectedly. Your phone and your laptop will only work while your batteries are charged, and your TV will immediately be rendered useless. Because of that, having a system in place that will work regardless if the lights are on is crucial to your safety.

Weather sirens positioned around town can be a great way to stay informed. Take the time during the next siren test to walk around your home and determine if you can hear the siren from each space.

You should also consider researching and purchasing an NOAA weather radio. Weather radios are portable and compact, which means you can take them with you wherever you go. They also operate without the need for power via either hand-crank capabilities or by solar power, which makes them a really reliable way of staying informed no matter your situation.

Feeling prepared? Knowing what to expect is half the battle, but the other half is weathering through the storms as they pass over us. If your home suffers from any sort of damage, call us immediately so we can tackle your repairs and restoration.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.